Brahma Console | December 2023 DeFi Report
Dec 29, 2023
~ 4 mins
The Year of Brahma
In our end-of-the-year piece for December 2023, we delve into a couple of significant events and narratives shaping the end of 2023 and the onset of a new year, the Year of Brahma.
Our goal for 2024 is to align the sophistication of DeFi investors with tools that streamline and simplify their investment journey.
Our commitment to supporting investors is embodied in Console’s modular architecture, designed to accommodate diverse and individual needs.
Whether for investment management, governance, or investment management, we have a solution.
Experience the future standard of DeFi execution with Console, an on-chain custody and execution environment tailored to your needs. Brahma Console is live on Ethereum, with our Beta available on Arbitrum.
New Year’s Resolution

In our commitment to make these best practices the new standard, we envision 2024 as a year where the sophistication of DeFi investors is finally met with tools that can simplify their journey.
Among those tools, Brahma’s Console is uniquely positioned to support how institutional investors, DAOs, and DeFi users operate within DeFi.
Built on top of Safe’s self-custody multi-sig stack, Console never takes custody of user funds.
By leveraging what is arguably the industry standard of multi-sig custody we aim to build on their security-first approach to enhance the UX of Safe users without compromising on security, offering Sub-Accounts, risk segregation, and customised automation and execution tailored to various user groups, from DAOs to power users.
The increasing complexity of the landscape is poised to witness the renewal of institutional investment inflows within DeFi. While previously a complicated pathway to walk for investors, tools like Brahma enabling professional on-chain execution within DeFi, balancing flexibility and security, without the need to compromise on any of them.